jueves, 9 de agosto de 2007

For Rose

Because I recognize I am letting my heart die little by little, and you were my only way out.

Because I felt like a man in a desert whose hand feels the last vanishing water drop.

Because after countless nights of sex, you were the first one to see me naked.

Because if I grow old, I will summarize 2007 in that particular conversation.

Because you could have been my rose, hidden behind your face, behind your name.

Because you are running and hiding, just like I do all the time.

Because genius is only that who knows his emotions.

Because brilliant is worthless.

Because this time I'm not writing for me or for you, I'm doing it for us.

10 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

jueputa rosa.

Anónimo dijo...

I'm right here...waiting...

Anónimo dijo...

You know my hand is always ready to pick your call.. my letters won't be seen in your inbox before yours are seen in mine.

Anónimo dijo...

Los locos se sienten libres
y los cuerdos, aunque anden por ahí, se sienten encerrados por dentro. . .

Anónimo dijo...

Let me be more than a woman, more than a simple rose. Let me be a shoulder to cry, a mountain to climb...just let me be by ur side...

Anónimo dijo...

Debo concluir que ustedes dos estan locos???

David Obando dijo...

Anónimo 1, Special K 1, Chuchis, Anónimo 2, Special K 2, Anónimo 3: Gracias!!! Que bonito se puso esto!!

Foodie dijo...

jajaja esos comments estan bien locos.

don't let your heart die; it's the most precious thing a human being has

Anónimo dijo...

Hola muchaaaaaachoooooos

David Obando dijo...


Gracias por el comentario, de verdad que el corazón importa y hay que cuidarlo.


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